Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I did the best thing today. On my way to work, I saw some furniture marked FREE on the side of the road. I drove by it and then, I thought, HECK, this is what I want to do. So I drove back and threw it in the car. I want to take old furniture, paint it and design it. Two of things I needed: a dresser and a bookcase for the baby's room. God was smiling on me! So far all the baby furniture has been free!!!

Monday, June 04, 2007

Today was an interesting day. I don't feel like I'm doing all that I can do to be creative. Good news is that the baby is kicking all the time. Today is June 4 and the baby girl is due on August 25. I just need to wrap up everything at work.

I posted jewelry on ebay today. My current auctions are here. I haven't donet that in awhie. Let's see if I make some dough. Making a quick buck is one of my favorite things.

I'm fascinated by crafting today. Just discovered cool craft sites like:

Nurseries on Apartment Therapy

We still don't have a name for the baby. I think we'll try to keep it a secret.