Sunday, November 25, 2007

Kelly is officially 3 months old today. We are so blessed and thankful to have her. Happy Thanksgiving to all btw!

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Eric and Kelly

Eric and Kelly
Originally uploaded by uidiziner

John's friend Eric from Washington DC came to visit us last weekend. We had a great time with Eric and he got to know Kelly. The pictures of them were really cute. Eric and John went to Hearst Castle and up the coast as well.

PEP Comes to Our House

I really want to get in the habit of posting everyday so here goes.

Today we hosted the PEP group at our house. Basically all the new mommies and babies meet and get together. Here's a photo of all the babies. They are all basically the same age, born within days or weeks of each other.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Kelly Smiles on Camera

Big Weekend for Us

Last weekend was big. Grandma Dorothy's memorial was Saturday. It turned out really nice. I'm glad about that. I won't say too much else about that here.

We got to see John and Sandy in Long Beach and had some great meals there. John Sr. made my favorite roast beef dish I think he wanted to comfort me. It was very sweet. We got to spend some great time together.
The next day we spent celebrating Laura's birthday at our house with Andrea. Excellent zucchini lasagna she made BTW. She's off to Guatemala for a yoga retreat. She's always doing fun stuff like that.
Here are some recent pix in no particular order.