Thursday, August 23, 2007
Last night he went out to get my special request list of snacks for labor. They were:
- Triscuits
- Strawberries
- Luna Bars
- Caster Oil (don't ask: those that know, know. Those that don't - you don't want to know.)
We are going to go to lunch now. I'm not hungry at all but know I should eat. Nothing sounds good. (Except of course the triscuits I just ate.)
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Some haven't seen the baby nursery yet. We love it. Lots of people worked on it and contributed to it. Just to name a few:
- John, Steph and Marc painted the room
- Ben and Maryann lent us the crib
- Chris and Karen lest us the changing table
- John Sr and Sandy got us the lady bug bedding set
- Laura S made the quilt
- Heidi H and Lori D have lent me tons of items. Their generosity is amazing.
- My mom covered the chair, got the lady bug lamp, curtains (not up yet) and helped me hang and wash everything
- Lots of family and friends gave us clothes, books, sheets and everything else to get ready for baby K.
As they say, it takes a village! :) Thanks everyone we love it. The pictures don't really do it justice!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Zelda's Bat Education 155
Zelda's Bat Education 155
Originally uploaded by tootieu
Here's a cute idea for making those Altoid tins. My mom is going to love this! :) (Carey said sarcastically!)
Come Out Kelly
Come Out Kelly
Originally uploaded by uidiziner
Everyone is wondering when Kelly is coming out so I made this for her as a way to let her know it's time. :) 4 days until my due date still. I feel good. Not overly tired. I'm waddling, I mean walking through the neighborhood. John has been talking to Kelly a lot saying "Come On Out." It's really cute.
People love talking to me on the street. "When are you due?" "Is it a girl or a boy?" Today, one man that literally looked like Hulk Hogan said in a husky voice "When's the baby due?" I said, "Saturday!" He said, "No way, you're too skinny to be having a baby on Saturday!" Made me smile. :)
Monday, August 20, 2007
How I Feel Pregnant
How I Feel Pregnant
Originally uploaded by uidiziner
Today, I found "DailySomething" on Flickr by this designer Ali Edwards I've been following. She urges you to do something, anything artistic everyday. So this is how I'm feeling today just 5 days before my due date. I'm ready to have the baby if you can't tell. I would be ok if she came early especially if she really truly is big. I'm happy with how this page turned out. Comments? - FREE STUFF
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Donna and I hung out yesterday and today. She's a great, great friend. We have such a good time together.
Yesterday we got our pedi done. Hot pink for both us. We look terif!
Today we had craft day at her house. We havent done this in a long long time. We accomplished alot. Checkout the earrings we made. Also see where the magic happens.
I also finished making 2 bday cards that I cannot post here b/c it's a secret. Shhh.
The Zaca Fire 2007 has been spewing ash all week. Thursday and Friday were terrible. Here's just one snapsot of the smoke clouds we see over the mountains. This was the view from Five Pts shopping center after having a terrific lunch with Laura S at Fresco.
I then went and had my eyebrows done and that made me feel fabulous. Later I went for my last prenatal massage with Joanne. Also made me feel fab. Then Andrea (john's mom) came down from Los Osos and we had a fun evening feasting on chicken ranch and watching a french movie. The Spanish Apartment.
Sat morning Andrea and I went to the Assistance League thrift shop since it's her favorite. We had a fun time.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Picture of the Pink Ladies - probably about taken about 2 years ago
Lunch was a lot of fun today with Emel, Heidi W and Heidi H. Everyone looked gorgeous and the food was terrific. Good lively conversation. I think we've probably sat at every table at the place!
"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."
Originally uploaded by uidiziner
We had a great party on Saturday at my mom's house to celebrate Grammy's 93rd birthday. Here she is opening her presents. Check out this Photo slideshow:
Sunday, August 12, 2007
55 years 10 months younger than Walter Cronkite, age 90
51 years 2 months younger than Nancy Reagan, age 86
48 years 3 months younger than George Herbert Bush, age 83
41 years 0 months younger than Barbara Walters, age 75
38 years 10 months younger than Larry King, age 73
32 years 7 months younger than Ted Koppel, age 67
29 years 2 months younger than Geraldo Rivera, age 64
26 years 2 months younger than George W. Bush, age 61
21 years 2 months younger than Jesse Ventura, age 56
16 years 10 months younger than Bill Gates, age 51
12 years 1 month younger than Cal Ripken Jr., age 46
6 years 2 months younger than Mike Tyson, age 41
2 years 2 months younger than Jennifer Lopez, age 37
3 years 4 months older than Tiger Woods, age 31
9 years 9 months older than Prince William, age 25
and that I was:
28 years old at the time of the 9-11 attack on America
27 years old on the first day of Y2K
24 years old when Princess Diana was killed in a car crash
22 years old at the time of Oklahoma City bombing
21 years old when O. J. Simpson was charged with murder
20 years old at the time of the 93 bombing of the World Trade Center
18 years old when Operation Desert Storm began
17 years old during the fall of the Berlin Wall
13 years old when the space shuttle Challenger exploded
11 years old when Apple introduced the Macintosh
10 years old during Sally Ride's travel in space
8 years old when Pres. Reagan was shot by John Hinckley, Jr.
7 years old at the time the Iran hostage crisis began
3 years old on the U.S.'s bicentennial Fourth of July
a 1 year old when President Nixon left office
You can do this to at:
Just cruising around the web finding great resources for my digi scrapbooking. I'm posting them here for me to go back to them. But you may want to use them too! You can see from the images posted here I'm having a lot of fun playing with this stuff! - where I found these I like
I made this for John! :)
Friday, August 10, 2007
I really really like her and feel so comfortable with her.
First Christmast Party I went to in 2002 with Karin Cotter
Well, it's August 10. Finally here. My last day before my maternity leave. I can't believe it. I've worked at Expertcity/Citrix Online for 5 years. I got my watch last week BTW. :)
I can remember the first day coming to work here. I hated it for a long time. I think I cried every morning driving in for the first two weeks. I wondered what I had done moving from the Bay Area down to sleepy Santa Barbara. Luckily, my mom talked me through it and I joined lots of clubs and danced a lot to get me through those first 6-9 months. Again, it's hard to believe that 5 years have passed that I've been in SB and been at this job. The job has changed a lot and I was lucky to move up pretty quickly and make some sort of impact. My favorite part are the people of course. So many colorful characters and I could go on and on with fun stories about them all.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Bookcase Repainted
Bookcase Repainted
Originally uploaded by uidiziner
Remember I said I found a bookcase on the side of the road and repainted it? Well here it is. Total cost $1.
Quilt Laura Made
Quilt Laura Made
Originally uploaded by uidiziner
My colleague and friend Laura and her daughter Sophia made this quilt for the baby. I love it! The handiwork here is terrific!
Monday, August 06, 2007
Grammy's 93rd Birthday Card
Grammy's 93rd Birthday Card
Originally uploaded by uidiziner
So now that I'm into this digital scrapbooking thing, I made this card for Grammy's birthday which we are celebrating this weekend. Printed it looks really good too.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Family Fun at the Zoo
Family Fun at the Zoo
Originally uploaded by uidiziner
In July, we went to the SB zoo after Steph, Marc and Ian helped paint the baby nursery. This is another scrapbook page I did. It took about an hour.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Possible Baby Announcement
Possible Baby Announcement
Originally uploaded by uidiziner
I made this on my computer utilizing my new digital scrapbooking skills. Didn't take long and it was so fun to make and do it quickly. I think it will be no problem creating the baby announcements ahead of time!!!