Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Baby K's Nursery All Set to Go!

Some haven't seen the baby nursery yet. We love it. Lots of people worked on it and contributed to it. Just to name a few:

- John, Steph and Marc painted the room
- Ben and Maryann lent us the crib
- Chris and Karen lest us the changing table
- John Sr and Sandy got us the lady bug bedding set
- Laura S made the quilt
- Heidi H and Lori D have lent me tons of items. Their generosity is amazing.
- My mom covered the chair, got the lady bug lamp, curtains (not up yet) and helped me hang and wash everything
- Lots of family and friends gave us clothes, books, sheets and everything else to get ready for baby K.

As they say, it takes a village! :) Thanks everyone we love it. The pictures don't really do it justice!

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