Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Kelly is Asleep Right Now!

Speaking of sleep, she really is a great sleeper. She naps well during the day. She sleeps well at night. She probably wakes up ever 3-4 hours to eat. She can sleep in her bassinet, in the swing and now she can even sleep in the Pack and Play. That's where she is now. I'm cramming in sending thank you notes, taking a shower, drying my hair, getting dressed etc and of course, posting on my blog.

We watched this video called the Happiest Baby on the Block and it really really helped us to know how to calm her when she's crying. I would recommend it to anyone else with a newborn.

Her face gets more and more alert everyday. It's amazing to watch and see what she will do.

1 comment:

Kerri said...

Look at Kelly holding her head up! Really, so cute!